Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Exclusive Fontainebleau Trip!

In early May (2nd - 9th) ClimbFrance will be organising a trip to Fontainebleau exclusively for members of Craggy Island climbing wall!

The aim of the week is to give you the opportunity to explore this fantastic bouldering area, learn new skills and techniques as well as having lots of fun. Whatever your level of ability and experience, a week at Font can’t fail to improve your climbing.

Morning workshops will be followed by afternoon bouldering with our instructors and coaches always on hand to guide you round and offer any help or advice you may need.

The price for the week is £330 and includes 6 full days climbing, all coaching and instruction, accommodation and bouldering mats, (if you don’t have your own).

To encourage car sharing we will be offering a discount of £15 per person to those travelling in a car with four or more people. ClimbFrance can also offer transport if required.

For more information, to book a place or for help organising car sharing contact Ollie

Hurry as places are limited to 12 people (and ferry crossings are cheap at the moment).

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